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Out on the Campaign Trail

**Although many of our Candidate's activities are chronicled on the Campaign's Facebook page Clarissa Harrell for County Court Judge, Group 6, the Committee wants to share these updates with our website visitors as well.  Five more events need to be added to bring this page up to date.**

Brevard Caribbean American Sports & Cultural Association Candidate Forum:

Clarissa was reunited with friends and former colleagues from her child welfare litigation days!


Brevard's Children in Need Gala

The Space Coast Association of Realtors hosted Brevard's Children & Families in Need 13th Annual Gala at the Hilton Cocoa Beach Oceanfront Hotel.  Clarissa greatly enjoyed being in the company of many friends and supporters from the legal, child welfare, and real estate worlds to help raise funds for countless local families in need of food, shelter, and services.

Titusville Mall Forum

Jesse Wright, owner of the Titusville Mall, invited candidates from several election races to address the citizens of Titusville.  Clarissa was happy to share that her candidacy has been endorsed by Titusville City Council Member JoLynn Nelson as well as State Attorney Phil Archer and two retired Brevard Sheriffs, Phil Williams and Jack Parker, who have all served north Brevard residents over the years.  The topic of teaching officers training at the police academy again arose; our  Candidate has also been endorsed by the Director of Brevard's Law Enforcement Academy, Steve Salvo!

Palm Bay Forum

The Campaign thanks gracious and gentlemanly moderator Kevin Vaccianna for hosting a lengthy conversation about the Candidates' professional and life experiences for his Palm Bay audience.  It was a great opportunity for Clarissa to share that her candidacy has been endorsed by Palm Bay Mayor Rob Medina, and by retired Chief Deputy of the Palm Bay Police Department John Blackledge.


Viva Brevard Gala!

Last month Clarissa and her husband Gary enjoyed time with vivacious friends at the Brevard Hispanic Center's glamorous Viva Brevard Gala.  Several attendees were honored with U.S. Congressional Medals of Special Recognition presented by Rob Medina on behalf of Congressman Bill Posey for their stellar contributions to academia and community causes.  It was a real joy to cheer their accomplishments.

Space Coast League of Cities

Special thanks to Rockledge City Council Member Sammie Brown Martin for hosting Clarissa at this October meeting.  Municipal leaders from every Brevard city were in attendance to learn about community opioid abuse and treatment education efforts funded by opioid lawsuit settlement funds.


7th Annual Mental Health Fair at Suntree United Methodist Church

Mental health issues affect a large number of people in our local court system, and questions always abound about the scope and availability of resources for those who suffer from them.  Clarissa learned a great deal about local programs during this large-scale event founded and perpetuated by Dr. John Baggett.  Of special interest to her was the speech delivered by Dr. Ethel Andrews dissecting the major potential funding sources for services in our county, and discussing the need to refine the pipeline for concrete treatment delivery.